This Liver Support Herbal Tea is beneficial for liver health and detoxes the whole body.
Ingredients: Milk Thistle Seeds, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, Ginger Root, Grapefruit Peel, Burdock Root, Chicory Root, Dandelion Leaf.
This tea is bitter and has some sweet notes from licorice root.
Milk Thistle is famous for its favorable effect on the liver and gallbladder. It is used in complex therapy for liver diseases and toxic manifestations. It's all about the miraculous active substance called "silymarin" (a group of flavonolignans), which is contained in the seeds. Dandelion root and Leaf are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and used to protect the cells from toxins. Thet are widely used to improve digestion and protect liver health. Licorice root is sweet and full of chemical compounds and flavonoids. Anti-inflammatory licorice root has been used for centuries for many of the same uses that science has confirmed now —coughs & colds and gastrointestinal issues. Licorice is one of the most powerful lymph stimulators. The use of licorice is essential for flushing the body at the cellular level, since it is the lymph that collects the waste products of the cells, all the toxins and residual substances from drugs. Ginger root is high in gingerol, a substance with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Also animal studies suggest that ginger can protect against age-related damage to the brain. Grapefruit's essential oils are produced and stored in the peel. The most predominant oil -- limonene, or D-limonene -- is often used to add flavor and fragrance to various foods. Limonene exhibits potent anti-inflammatory abilities and also shows promise for fighting some forms of cancer. Vitamins and nutrients contained in grapefruit peel help fight toxins, lower bad cholesterol levels, and help maintain hemoglobin levels. In folk medicine, Burdock roots are valued for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. One of the most common uses of Burdock root is to purify the blood. Recent studies have shown that it contains active ingredients in the root system that can remove toxins from the bloodstream. According to various studies and experiments, Chicory root can help lower blood sugar, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. Inulin, which is found in Chicory root, increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. They promote healthy digestion and well-being.
Instruction: 1 tablespoon for 10fl oz (300ml) boiling water. Brew it for minimum of 30 min in a covered cup. For best results I suggest brewing it overnight in a thermos. Drink 3.3 fl oz (100ml) three times a day on an empty stomach 30 min before meal. Drink it for an one to three month. You can repeat it in a year to maintain healthy liver and cleanse you body.
Statements regarding herbs have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Этот Liver Support Herbal Tea полезен для здоровья печени и выводит токсины из всего организма.
Состав: Семена расторопши, корень одуванчика, корень солодки, корень имбиря, кожура грейпфрута, корень лопуха, корень цикория.
Этот чаи горчит и имеет немного сладкие нотки от корня солодки.
Инструкция: 1 столовая ложка на 10 fl oz (300 мл) кипятка. Заваривать не менее 30 минут в закрытой чашке. Для лучшего результата я советую заваривать на ночь в термосе. Пить по 3,3 fl oz (100 мл) три раза в день натощак за 30 минут до еды. Пить от одного до трех месяцев. Вы можете повторить это очищение через год.
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SKU: 00140
PriceFrom $2.50
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